Apiary Location Mapping
The New Zealand Map System
We have included this section because of its relevance to both location of apiaries and floral sources.

There are two main mapping scales for New Zealand. These are the Topo250 series (1:250,000) and the Topo50 series (1:50,000). More information about these maps can be found, and digital copies downloaded from www.linz.govt.nz.
The more important of these for the New Zealand Beekeeping Industry is the topographical Topo50.
(Note: Previously the NZMS260 series maps were used, they have now been superseeded by the Topo50 series of maps)
The Ministry of Primary Industries in New Zealand maintains a register of all apiaries and each apiary is identified and located by a 260 series Map Reference. When we purchase honey from producers,we in turn are able to identify the map reference of each apiary contributing to each batch as defined under our sampling system. This information gives us valuable knowledge about the source of honey and regions most likely to provide the best quality of each individual honey type.
A valid map reference for a 260 series map starts with the Map Sheet Number. This is a letter followed by 2 numbers. e.g. K35. Next comes a 3 digit East -West reading followed by a 3 digit North South reading. This will give a reference accurate to approx 100 metres. E.g. K35 401 583. This map reference held on the Apiary Register is used for a variety of purposes. One of the primary purposes is in the control, surveillance and monitoring of bee diseases. Another key use of this information is in providing information for area freedom statements for export certification.